Deep preparation
Our facilitators work closely with clients to help them clarify the results they want from their workshop or offsite; undertake robust analyses to understand the internal and external factors effecting them; translate these analyses into insights used in developing relevant agenda and session plans that aim to engage and challenge participants; and prepare visually engaging pre-reading and presentation materials.
Expert workshop facilitation
Our highly experienced strategy workshop facilitators guide participants through a series of intensive, innovative, and participatory exercises which foster creativity, motivation, and a shared commitment to results. We use high-quality, tailored presentation materials and aids to stimulate and guide discussion, and pride ourselves on delivering concrete outcomes through the use of evidence-based decision-making and facilitation techniques.
Action ready documentation
Our workshop facilitation style assists our clients to turn their workshop discussions into action plans by documenting outcomes, developing implementation plans, and designing measurement and monitoring tools to keep your team on track.
Deep preparation
Our facilitators work closely with clients to help them clarify the results they want from their workshop or offsite; undertake robust analyses to understand the internal and external factors effecting them; translate these analyses into insights used in developing relevant agenda and session plans that aim to engage and challenge participants; and prepare visually engaging pre-reading and presentation materials.

Expert workshop facilitation
Our highly experienced strategy workshop facilitators guide participants through a series of intensive, innovative, and participatory exercises which foster creativity, motivation, and a shared commitment to results. We use high-quality, tailored presentation materials and aids to stimulate and guide discussion, and pride ourselves on delivering concrete outcomes through the use of evidence-based decision-making and facilitation techniques.

Action ready documentation
Our workshop facilitation style assists our clients to turn their workshop discussions into action plans by documenting outcomes, developing implementation plans, and designing measurement and monitoring tools to keep your team on track.

We practice what we preach. We are data driven, and we measure our performance. These results are aggregated polls* taken at the start and end of most of our workshops.
'I have a clear understanding of our long term aspiration'

'I have a clear understanding of our priority initiatives / deliverables'

'I have a clear understanding of how we will respond to the challenges and opportunities facing our organisation'

'I have a clear understanding of our purpose / why we exist / what we stand for'

'I have a clear understanding of our strategy / strategic differentiation'

'I have a clear understanding of our goals / corresponding targets'

'I have a clear understanding of my personal contribution to achieving our goals'

*The data driven results are aggregated ‘Zeetings’ polls taken at the start and end of most of our workshops. While the content of the poll depends on the workshop, the large volume of people attending the workshops we facilitate enables us to isolate hundreds of responses to some questions and at least scores for others.
Be amazed by our results!
We look forward to working alongside your team to help your organisation grow and thrive.
Get in touch today for a quote.